About us


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Established in 2003, we began as a company dedicated to supporting the digitalization efforts of companies in Thailand. Since then, we have been running a business that provides comprehensive support for the development and operation of systems to achieve our customers' goals.

Today, with the rapid advancement of digital technology and the globalization of economic activities, the situation surrounding businesses is changing dramatically, and further digitalization is needed to face uncertain times.

Our strengths lie in providing the in-house developed 'mcframe' package, which incorporates Japanese 'monozukuri' know-how, and in making suggestions based on our experience of implementing systems in over 200 companies, with each of our employees contributing with a deep understanding of our customers' businesses and using their own creativity and ingenuity to take suggestions a step further.

In the future, digitalization needs are expected to change as we move towards a sustainable society, but we aim to take on new challenges together with our customers and bring new value from Thailand to the rest of the world.

Yuichi Watanabe
Managing Director

Yuichi WatanabeManaging Director